
How much water to bring hiking? Essential Tips To Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial while hiking because the activity can quickly deplete the body’s water supply. Hiking requires physical exertion, and sweating is a natural response to regulate body temperature. The more we sweat, the more water our bodies lose.

Dehydration can result in several negative consequences, such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness, heat stroke and kidney failure in severe cases. Therefore, it’s essential to stay well-hydrated while hiking.

Drinking enough water before starting your hike is also important since it takes time for your body to absorb fluids fully. You should drink at least 16 ounces of water two hours before heading on the trail.

It’s also crucial to keep drinking water throughout your hike regularly. A good rule of thumb is to drink half a litre per hour of moderate hiking in average weather conditions. Hot or dry environments with high altitudes or intense physical activity levels may require additional hydration.

Staying well-hydrated while hiking is integral to maintaining both physical performance and overall health during outdoor activities. But how much water should you bring with you? And what if you run out of water along the way? In this blog post, we’ll answer all your questions about how much water to bring hiking and share tips for storing and purifying water on the trail.

How much water should you bring hiking?

One of the most important things to consider when hiking is how much water you should bring. The amount of water needed will depend on several factors, such as the length and difficulty of your hike, weather conditions, body weight, and individual hydration needs.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended that hikers carry at least 2 litres (or 68 ounces) of water per day for their trek. However, this amount may vary depending on certain circumstances. For example, if you’re hiking in hot and dry conditions or at high altitudes where dehydration can occur more quickly, it’s best to increase your intake accordingly.

Another factor to consider is the availability of water sources along your route. If plenty of streams or other natural sources are available for refilling your supply throughout the hike, you may get away with carrying less overall.

It’s also important to remember that while bringing too little water can be dangerous, overpacking can also cause unnecessary strain on your body during the hike. Always balance what you need against what is feasible for carrying comfortably over long distances.

Ultimately, it’s better to err on the side of caution by bringing extra water just in case an emergency arises unexpectedly during your trip.

How to store water while hiking

Storing water while hiking is as essential as carrying it. It would help if you ensured that the water with you stays clean and safe for consumption throughout your trip.

Invest in a good quality hydration pack or bottle that seals tightly so that no dirt or bacteria can get inside. Look out for backpacks with built-in hydration systems or bottles with filtration systems.

Keep your water container away from direct sunlight and heat sources to avoid bacterial growth. Store it in a shaded area, such as under a tree or rock, if possible.

Consider adding electrolyte tablets to your stored water to replenish lost minerals during sweating and exertion. This will improve hydration levels and maintain energy levels too.

Fourthly, always carry spare containers for additional storage if needed. It’s better to be prepared rather than underprepared when storing drinking water while on hikes.

Check the condition of your stored water regularly and replace it whenever necessary; don’t risk drinking contaminated water! By following these tips, you’ll ensure that you stay hydrated throughout your hike without any complications!

How to purify water while hiking

When hiking, clean water is essential for staying hydrated and avoiding dehydration. But what happens if you run out of water or come across a questionable water source? That’s where water purification comes in.

The most common method of purifying water while hiking is through filtration. This involves using a portable filter that removes bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants from the water. Make sure to read reviews and do research before purchasing a filter to ensure it meets your needs.

Another option is chemical purification through tablets or drops. These are simple to use but can leave an unpleasant taste in the water. Boiling the water is also effective but requires access to heat sources like a camp stove.

Ultraviolet light devices are becoming increasingly popular for their ease of use and effectiveness at killing microorganisms without altering the taste. However, they require batteries which may not be practical for longer hikes.

It’s important to note that no purification method can guarantee 100% safety from all contaminants, so always use caution when drinking from natural sources and consider carrying extra supplies just in case.

What to do if you run out of water while hiking

You are running out of water while hiking is a scary situation that can quickly turn dangerous. However, there are steps you can take if you find yourself in this predicament.

First and foremost, try not to panic. Panic will only lead to poor decision-making and wasted energy. Take a deep breath and assess your situation.

Next, look for nearby water sources, such as streams or lakes. If you come across a water source, purify it before drinking by using purification tablets or boiling the water for at least one minute.

If there are no visible water sources, conserve the remaining fluids in your body by resting in a shaded area with cool temperatures. This will help prevent further dehydration.

Additionally, consider rationing any other liquids you have on hand, such as sports drinks or fruit juice. Sip them slowly over time rather than gulping them down all at once.

If the situation becomes dire and rescue is necessary, immediately use your phone or signalling device to call for emergency assistance.

Remember that prevention is always better than cure, so always bring enough water for your hike beforehand to avoid this potentially dangerous scenario.

Hiking with Pets: Water Considerations

If you plan on taking your furry friend along for a hiking adventure, it’s essential to consider their hydration needs as much as yours. Dogs can quickly dehydrate while hiking, especially in hot weather or high altitudes.

First and foremost, always bring enough water for yourself and your pet. A general rule of thumb is one litre of water per 20 pounds of body weight per day for dogs. Make sure to bring a collapsible bowl or container to make it easy for your pet to drink.

As with humans, taking frequent breaks and offering water during those breaks is essential. Be sure to provide them with water before your dog seems excessively thirsty – prevention is critical for dehydration.

Be mindful of where you get your water from if you need to refill during the hike. Avoid stagnant pools or sources that may be contaminated with bacteria or parasites. Bring a portable filtration system or iodine tablets instead.

Familiarize yourself with signs of dehydration in dogs, such as excessive panting, dry gums and nose, lethargy and dark urine. Be proactive about monitoring your pet’s hydration levels throughout the hike so they can enjoy the adventure safely alongside you.


After reading this article, you should understand the importance of staying hydrated while hiking and how much water to bring. Remember, dehydration can lead to serious health risks, so always have enough water.

When planning your next hike, research the trail ahead of time and consider factors such as weather conditions and distance. This will help you determine how much water is necessary for your trek.

Storing and purifying water are also essential considerations when you bring water for hiking. Be sure to pack a reliable container to bring your water and plan for any potential sources of clean drinking water on the hiking trail.

In addition, hikers with pets must also consider their furry companions’ hydration needs. Bring extra water for them, or consider purchasing a portable pet-friendly filtration system.

Remember that proper hydration is vital to an enjoyable and safe hiking experience. By following these tips, you can stay healthy and hydrated while exploring the great outdoors!


How much water should I drink per hour while hiking?

Drinking at least half a litre of water every hour while hiking is recommended.

Can I bring other fluids instead of just water?

You can bring other hydrating fluids such as sports drinks or coconut water. Just check the sugar content and avoid caffeinated beverages as they dehydrate your body.

What is the best way to carry water while hiking?

The best way to carry water is by using a hydration system with a backpack with a built-in hydration bladder and hose. Alternatively, you can use reusable bottles made from durable materials like stainless steel or BPA-free plastic.


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